Friday, August 17, 2012

Bus crash

So, I am riding the bus at the airport. You know the one that takes you from the baggage claim area to where you parked the car. When lo and behold, we pull up behind another bus waiting to go thru a gate. I guess it was not moving fast enough.  The bus in front of us throws it in reverse.  I yell at the driver that we were getting ready to be hit. I hollered " it's backing up, it's backing up!!!"  He then lays on the horn and tries to get it in reverse before the inevitable happened. BUMP !! I don't know if the bus in front of us didn't know he hit us or not but he put it in gear and away he went. As I was the only passenger, I wrote out a statement so the driver wouldn't have any problems with his supervisors. I was then transferred to another bus to keep on my journey to my car. What a day!! I made it safely home with the occasional bumps...

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