Friday, December 16, 2011

Holiday Decor

It is that time of year when everyone is going crazy trying to decorate, bake cookies, shop and wrap presents.  Oh and don't forget the Christmas cards. I have found that if you want to enjoy the holidays just do the one thing that makes you happiest. I have decorated the mantel and the outside with the bare minimum this year and yet it has surely made me happy.  It makes me feel a little Christmasier. I do miss the white tree with the pink ornaments but it is not what makes the holidays. It is spending time with the ones I love. SO Merry Christmas to you and yours!!!!

1 comment:

TheSmellyArmpit said...

LOL Merry Christmas to you and yours too! (reminded me of NJ haha). I'm with you. My contruction decorated tree and the lighted wreath on our door and I feel like it's Christmas! fun!