Monday, September 5, 2011

Vegas Baby!!!

Vegas you ask? Why yes I am going to Las Vegas. I just bought my ticket and am leaving on a jet plane. Can you hear me humming that song?  I have a wedding to go to and lots of fun to have. I will be getting my quarters tomorrow so I can play the slots...... CHA CHING!!!! That's the sound of money going down the drain but oh what fun it is. There is something to be said for the one armed bandit. All the bells and whistles, not to mention the lights and sirens, it makes your heart beat a little faster. I never take more than I can afford to lose. It is all pure entertainment and money making on the casino's part. I get to hang out with Cousin Favorite. We will have a great time being girly girls. Lots to see and do... and not enough time to do it all. I will leave you with another song..... VIVA LAS VEGAS........( a nod to my brother in law)


cbright123 said...

have so much fun for me! i know i could be there with you. aaaaahhhhh... take lots of pics!!!

TheSmellyArmpit said...

wahooo! I can leave comments now!!! :P

TheSmellyArmpit said...

PS Hope Vegas was a wella wella a good time!