Thursday, March 29, 2012

Ant Bites

So I was working out side in the yard, when lo and behold, I got bit by several different ants. My left leg has four bites as well as my left arm. Go figure my right side must not taste so good.  The yard sure looks good. The flower beds are clean of weeds, the monkey grass has been hand cut, and the crepe myrtles have had hair cuts.  I have the wicker started with repainting. Had to stop due to no more paint. Went to the store and got paint only to have to wait till we don't have high winds as well as high humidity.  So next on the list is to paint the laundry room. I keep saying I am going to do it but I know I only have so many projects left till nothing is left. Why do today what you can put off till tomorrow......

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