Monday, October 10, 2011

Car Problems....

As if having my jeep break down last Sunday wasn't enough. Hubby's truck decided that the right front caliper came off during our drive home from county court. He had to testify against some bad guys. Thankfully it happened in the best possible place for that to happen.  At a stop light in a small town, we had 3 people stop to ask if we needed help.  God sure watched over us today. I happened to be the one driving. The tow truck driver gave me the number of a local repair shop and it is kind of like the one my parents take their vehicles to.... I may have found a Mister "J". How cool is that?  While hubby is away I am going to have the jeep towed to the shop and hopefully get fixed. I am going to call the local shop first to make sure they can work on it as well as fix it. So we may be a 2 car family again. Hubby was able to ride the motorcycle to the auto store before it closed and got the much needed bolt. One of our neighbors even offered us the use of their vehicle. How lucky are we that we have such great neighbors!!!  We are truly blessed.

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