Sunday, October 30, 2011


It sure is quiet with Hubby gone. I was so surprised that having him gone only one day sure has made a difference in the noise level in the house. Usually he is sleeping the day away b/c of his work schedule but I can still hear him snoring or rolling over or what not. It is knowing I can go in the room wake him and have someone to chat with. I have the tv on in the back ground just for noise. (too bad there isn't a show with snoring on While he is away I have a few projects to keep me busy. (cleaning the carpets, mowing and such)  Now to make some noise!!!!


TheSmellyArmpit said...


Love you! Call me anytime! :) I'm noisy and like to talk alot. LOL

TheSmellyArmpit said...

PS any tie dye pics?